Tip of the Week: According to an article on Medscape comparing the success of plant-based eating, bariatric surgery or GLP-1 inhibitors for long-term weight loss the clear winner was plant-based eating. What are you waiting for? Get started now! How to Begin a Whole Foods, Plant-Based Lifestyle.

My Plant-Based Life

A Word About This Blog
My family and I eat a plant-based diet. That means we eat only fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and a small amount of nuts and seeds. We do this because we believe it is the diet that contributes the most to good health and helps us avoid disease. So that said, you will not find any recipes here that include meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs or overly processed foods. What we eat comes directly from the earth. What follows are my thoughts, ideas, research, recipes and photos as I create beautiful, nutrient-dense meals and strive to live in a healthy way. I hope you find inspiration and enjoy the tales of My Plant-Based Life.