Tip of the Week: Why not make 2025 the year you fully and finally switch to a plant-based diet. You will feel better, lose weight, and discover how wonderful vegetables, fruits, and whole grains can be. You will find lots of recipes and articles to get you started on my blog: My Plant-Based Life.
Services Offered:
Introduction to Plant-Based Class
Cooking Demonstrations
If interested, contact me!
The Resolve Health and Fitness Story
​In 2008 I didn't know how to pronounce the word "vegan" (no joke, I had to go to an online dictionary to hear it pronounced) and I had never heard the words "whole foods, plant-based". But I came across an article in the Wall Street Journal that mentioned a book called The China Study. I was intrigued and checked the book out of the library. It changed my life. I was instantly convinced that the way I was eating was slowly ruining my health and I resolved right then and there to adopt a whole foods, plant-based diet. After going whole foods, plant-based I lost 10 pounds, felt more energetic and other annoying health issues disappeared. Later, realizing that fitness was also important to my overall health, I became an avid runner and gym rat. Now I want to help others learn what I did. Thus, the birth of Resolve Health and Fitness.
I hold certificates in Plant-Based Nutrition from eCornell University and the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutritional Studies; and in Plant-Based Cooking from the Rouxbe School. I have been a licensed Food for Life instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and with over 8 years teaching experience and my background and expertise in both plant-based cooking and fitness, I want to help others learn how to benefit from a whole foods plant-based lifestyle.