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Tip of the Week: According to an article on Medscape comparing the success of plant-based eating, bariatric surgery or GLP-1 inhibitors for long-term weight loss the clear winner was plant-based eating. What are you waiting for? Get started now! How to Begin a Whole Foods, Plant-Based Lifestyle.

Fit for Life
Experiencing your best physical health is 80% what you eat. The other 20% is your physical activity. You CAN be active at any age. No gym? No problem! You can get fit even in your own home!
I offer a free, one-time 10 minute phone assessment of where you are with fitness and I will offer ideas about how to begin a program or if you are already exercising, I can offer ideas for change. And if you do have a gym I offer 30 minute or 1 hour sessions of personal fitness guidance. Contact me to discuss these options further. And if you want encouragement read my blog post Fit at any Age!
Fitness Training Bookings
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